After years of blossoming existence of the Midtown church in 1983, the congregation went outside its immediate threshold, by embarking its evangelism campaigns way beyond the proximity of its door. Thus in June 14,1998 Midtown, planted the Cabanatuan city church in response to the need of some members who moved to that city. Sustained efforts over the years were pursued by Midtown and weekly workers were sent to the Cabanatuan city church and later to Palayan city church, the outgrowth of Cabanatuan city church.
Over a decade after, brethren from Midtown, Cebu and other places nationwide, were involved in a three-day health mission in Tuao, Cagayan, hosted by M.A.R.C.H. (Medical Action for Relief Counseling and Healing),in Oct.3-5,2005. The activity was also participated by some Singaporean brethren from Pasir Panjang. As result of the health mission, the Tuao church was planted under the auspices of Pasir Panjang church. Midtown shared in the labors by occasionally sending workers to the Tuao mission.
Three years thereafter, the sustained missions pursued in Poblacion, Bokod, Benguet and surrounding areas, triggered the imperative formation of M.O.M. (Mission Outreach Ministry), in July 24,2008, at the Family Life Center, in Session Road, Baguio City. The rationale of the birth of the ministry is to enhance the mission arm of Midtown in addressing the evangelism needs, in and outside the city of Baguio, in stride with the worldwide vision, in the evangelism commission of Jesus! (Shemer EmolDwayne Sameon)
We believe that it is a Christian duty for everyone to teach and preach (Matt. 28:19-20)
We believe that the mission outreach ministry is experimental and soul winning.
We believe that saving souls involves mission outreach activities.(Mark 16:15-16)
To bring the gospel to the lost.((Matt.28:19-20)
To teach and encourage other Christians to serve in the evangelism campaigns .(Rom. 12:16-18)
To assist Christians to grow spiritually and live a life of holiness.(Ephesians 4:12, II Peter 3:18)
To motivate and involve others to serve in the ministry outreach (Heb. 10:24)
To generate funds by encouraging the sending church and other churches to help in the missions.
The young people to serve in the mission areas at their level of interest.
To see well established churches in particular mission areas.
To equip participating and potential workers involved in the missions.
` To grow and share the love of God in the mission areas.
To promote for the growth of the members in the proficiency in missions and ministry skills.
BASES: The word of God in the promotion of compassion, respect, love, discipleship